The gym will be closed this Thursday in observance of Thanksgiving. One class will be held on Friday, November 29th, at 0900. The regular schedule resumes on Saturday.
3-person Team WOD*
15 Strict handstand push-ups
30 Calories biked
45 Squat snatches (115/73)
60 Calories rowed
75 Pull-ups
90 Calories skied
75 GHD sit-ups
60 Calories rowed
45 D-ball cleans (100/70)
30 Calories biked
15 Bar muscle-ups
For Time
*One person working at a time. Equal work required. Tag between exercises.
Post results and experiences to comments
✅ partnered with Vernice
Kile and I were Rx
Wade modified the HSPU, GHD, and MU
Super fun WOD! I look forward to doing it again! 😊