Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Join us this Saturday, October 28th. at 0900 for a FREE workout!

Everyone is invited, and no fitness experience is needed!

Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the

Chad 1000x Fundraiser



Partner OR Individual WOD

3 Rounds for time of:

8 Synchro deadlifts (225/153)

8 Synchro bar muscle ups


…Rest 2-minutes and then…


2 Rounds for time of:

16 Synchro hang power cleans (135/93)

16 Synchro chest to bar pull-ups


…Rest 2-minutes and then…


48 Synchro shoulder to overhead (135/93)

48 Synchro pull-ups


For time

(30:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. sflynn

    With Coach:
    6:49 Rx
    7:01 Rx
    10:34 Rx

    Synchro went pretty well. No repped one BMU and one CTB

    Sheesh that STOH!

    1. White Ape

      Exactly what she said. It was my fault for the missed MU and C2B, sorry Coach. 🙂

      Those S2OH were ROUGH!!

  2. Sandy

    5:28 (@133#, 8 reps)
    13:43 (@63#,12 reps)
    24:22 (@63#, 36 reps)
    My back got kind of iffy halfway through so I lessened the rep scheme. Need to work on holding my core and strengthening it to prevent that. Felt good to move even though it was a hard and particularly sweaty time!