Wednesday, 24 March 2010

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

5 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
10 Overhead Squats (65/45)

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10 Responses
  1. Danny

    Melanie said…

    AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
    5 burpees RX
    7 kettlebell swings 1 pood
    10 abmat butterfly situps

    14 plus 3 burpees

    Great job Robert and Danny! So happy that Anne walked with the 5:30 crew! Welcome back!!!! 🙂

  2. Robert

    12 2/3 Rx. Anne, great to hear you are back in the saddle. Thanks Erin for reminding me to keep my weight in my heels–that helps.

  3. Rhonda G

    10 MOD

    35# OHS
    25# KBS
    RX Burpees

    Hats off to Susan, Debbie, Patty, Vernice, and Lisette. We were laid out!

  4. Anne

    Hi everyone! It's heart-warming to read all of your comments! Thanks a million to Erin who thought to tell me of the LaFortune 5K. I enjoyed walking it with Nancy, Amber, Stacey and Erin. See you all again soon!

  5. erin

    12 rds rx ( geez this one wiped me out just took a three hr nap :-p it was tougher then it looked! Great job today everyone Susan keep making progress on that RX!! Thanks for being my squril I chased today Jaime !!

  6. Jaime

    12 rds rx.I was only ahead of you Erin because of your "lazy" day yesterday. Anne, glad you got to enjoy the nice weather yesterday by doing a WOD. That will make anyone's day better.

  7. Stacy J

    10 2/3 rds rx. That workout makes your lower back quite uncomfortable. Great job Ginny on doing your first RX weight WOD!