Happy Birthday to Coach “White Ape” Jimmy!
Register now for the 2025 CrossFit Games Open!
Take the 2025 Judges course!
Partner WOD
12 Rounds♦ of:
Partner 1: Ski 200m
Partner 2: 1 Round of Cindy*
…Immediately into…
12 Rounds♦ of:
Partner 1: Bike 500m
Partner 2: 5 Strict handstand push-ups and
7 Toes-to-bar
…Immediately into…
2000m Row
For time
(40:00 cap)
*1 round of Cindy is:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air squats
♦Partners alternate tasks each round
Post results and experiences to comments
With Ryan T.
HSPU were getting spicy.
38:37 Rx
Legs still destroyed from the MLK WOD!
The HSPU were tougher than I thought they would be come from the PU!
41:12 partnered with Anniee!
We modified strict HSPU
On the row we went 500, 500, 300, 300, 200, 200
Partnered with John
Really surprised myself!!
Didn’t think I’d finish 💪🏾