Wednesday, 22 April 2015

MP CrossFit Tulsa 042215


This week is make-up week for the 1-rep max board.

“Make-up work”

Pick a missed lift, find 1-rep max




Pick a lift and perform:

5 reps @ 60% 1RM

5 reps @ 70%

5 reps @ 80%


For Quality



Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes perform:

5 Handstand Push-ups or Burpees

15 Double Unders*


For Score*

*Score is equal to last minute successfully completed plus additional reps. If you successfully complete all rounds, perform as many rounds as possible in the last minute.



Hip Capsule – 1:30/side

Seated Shoulder Flexion – 2:00

Spine Smash – 2:00



Post lift, load, score, and experiences to comments