Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Now this is “Triple Extention”!


10 Burpees
20 Double Unders*

10 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 31 DEC 09

*Singles are 3:1

14 Responses
  1. erin

    14:01 rx ( I hate burpees!) I think I'll be Helen of Burpees Michele since it's a love/ hate thing 😉 ~ nice to do it outside today! Coby I'll be embracing the sleeping myself tmrw 😉 great job everyone!!

  2. Robert

    11:07 Rx PR–Great to have a plethora of 0530 people–Melanie, John, Jim and Danny! Soon we will have to share pullup bars.

  3. Vernice

    21:37 Ginny you think the burbees sucked outside, you should have been upstairs in the surgery oven!!! Even after Jimmy brought the fan upstairs it was OVERWHELMINGINGLY hot.. sorry Jimmy, I think you have forgotten who you are dealing with.