Wednesday, 19 January 2022

2022 CrossFit Games Open Registration CLICK HERE

CrossFit Judges course CLICK HERE



25-ft Handstand walking*

Rest 1:00


5 rounds for quality

*Progressions will be posted at the gym



Rowing “Crazy Train” (Partner version)

800m Row*

20 Thrusters*

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull

20 Push Jerks

20 Overhead Squats

20 Front Squats

20 Power Snatches

800m Row


For Time

(25:00 cap)


* All exercises use the same load. Row is 400m each partner, with one partner rowing at a time. All exercises, other than the row, are synchronized, including the burpees.

Athletes stop and perform 3 bar-over-burpees at the beginning of each minute.

Rx weight: (95/63)

Masters 55 and up Rx Weight: (75/53)



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