Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Join us on Memorial Day, May 27, at 0900. There will be a potluck BBQ after the WOD.

Friends and family are welcome to WOD and/or eat!



5 Power snatches @ 60% of 1-rm snatch

8 Bar facing burpees

40 Crossover single-unders


5 Rounds for time

(10:00 cap)



Every 1:30, for 10 sets, complete 1 Power snatch ⇒ 1 Squat snatch

70@ for 5 sets

80% for 5 sets


For quality



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. sflynn

    8:47 at 73#
    Singles on all snatches to really take it easy and intentional on the shoulder. No pain at all in burpees or CSU!

  2. White Ape

    7:18 at 105#

    All rounds UB snatches, 3 rds UB CO/2 rds caught once

    5 sets at 115#
    5 sets at 135#

    Snatches felt good, but glutes and hams are still tender from Monday!!