Wednesday, 14 September 2022

It is with great sadness I announce the passing of our adopted gym gorilla, Jo-Jo. He passed on July 31, 2022 at the age of 42, which is considered geriatric age in gorillas. He was known as the “Gentle Giant”. Jo-Jo had 5 offspring, so his legacy will live on! RIP Jo-Jo! Ape Strong!

Join us this Friday, September 16th for a FREE class!

No fitness experience needed!

Friday night class is canceled this week only. Sorry for any inconvenience.





15-12-9-7 rep rounds of:

Box jumps/overs* (24/20″)

Kettlebell swings (53/35)

Wall-ball shots (20/14)@(10/9′)

Calories rowed


For time

Compare to Wednesday, 24 March 2021

*In rounds of 15 and 9, athlete performs box jumps.  In rounds of 12 and 7 athlete performs box overs.



Post results and experiences to comments

10 Responses
  1. megancyork

    10:29 Rx

    I walked most transitions with a purpose but I should jog next time. I was quick to start working at each station.
    59 second PR and I’m happy with that.

  2. White Ape

    1 second PR. Lol! It is only one second, but I will take it one week from my rotator cuff surgery!
    Jogged between stations, except last two wbs to row, my legs were toast!

  3. Henry Smith

    9:51rx 11 sec pr

    Rowed the first 15 around 1700 cals

    Second two slowed to 1200s. Need to keep a faster pace on the row.

  4. Michelle Milstead

    Goal was to beat last year’s scaled score of 13:00 and do it Rx. Finished 12:41 Rx so I’m happy with that. BUT I know I can go faster. All KB’s were unbroken. NTFS, faster on the box jump/overs and without rest. Try to do the WB’s unbroken. Need to work on hard start on the rower when tired.

  5. Vernice

    15:55. I thought I was going RX but later realized RX was using a 10# WB , I used an 8#
    16in Box
    25# KB
    Jogged for most of my transitions. Did Kb unbroken but took breaks on WBs

  6. sflynn

    8:49 Rx (31 second PR!)
    NTFS: row 1350/1100/1000/all out which was about 1400 at this point
    Everything UB and literally ran from station to station. I think the only way I can PR this is rowing faster. DEAD!
    RIP JoJo!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️