Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Join us for a FREE trial class this Friday, September 15, at any class time!

NO fitness experience is needed!

Click the link below to register to compete or volunteer at:

Festivus Games October 2023



5 @ 50% of 1-Rm

4 @ 60%

3 @ 70%

2 @ 80%

1 @ 90%

10 @ 55%

10 @65%


For Quality



Partner WOD

Midwest Fall Classic 2023 WOD 4  “Fried”

As many reps as possible in 10-minutes of the following:

50 Hang power cleans (135/93)

50 Bar facing burpees

50 Toes to bar


For scores*

*While one partner is working on the 50-50-50, the other partner is rowing for max calories. Partners may switch as needed

Score 1 is max reps and Score 2 is max calories



Post results and experiences to comments

8 Responses
  1. White Ape

    Every 75 seconds, perform:
    1 snatch (adding 10 lbs each set until fail) – 170#
    …now reduce weight to 50% clean, and continue…
    1 clean (adding 10 lbs each set until fail) – 250#
    …now move directly to…
    1 deadlift (adding 20 lbs each set until fail) – 445#

    160 reps Rx
    135 calories

    1. sflynn

      What he said on CWOD. Strong work!

      DL worked up to 1 at 260, 10@ 160 and 10@190. These felt pretty good!
      I am also stoked to have hit my 1-rm snatch before deadlifting too!

  2. Amber Burkhart

    90% @ 213#
    55% @128#
    65% @153#

    CWOD with Jas
    95 reps Rx – we probably should have gone lighter
    123 calories

  3. Henry Smith

    Swod- worked up to 285#. 10 reps at 210#. I’m playing it safe with deadlifts still.

    Cwod- partnered with Justin.

    155 cals
    150 reps rx