Wednesday, 12 June 2024

This memorial workout is dedicated to CrossFit Kids Seminar Staff Flowmaster Kelly Brown who passed away after a courageous five-year battle with ovarian cancer on September 15, 2020. She was 44.

Brown is survived by her husband, John, and their two children, a 14-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter.

Kelly and John started their CrossFit journey in 2006 and opened CrossFit Agoge in 2007. In 2010, she became a member of the CrossFit Kids Seminar Staff.


“Kelly Brown”

440m Row

10 Box jumps (30/24″)

10 Deadlifts (275/185)

10 Wall-ball shots (30/20) @ (10/9′)

5 rounds for time

(In gym 30:00 cap)

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6 Responses
  1. Amber

    Subbed 44# KBs for DLs
    Stepped up to 24” box

    Those were the right mods for how my back was feeling.

  2. Michelle Milstead

    20″ box
    63# DL
    14# WB
    Box jumps and WBs felt great! DL was light, but smart way to go. I pushed hard on the rest of the movements. Great WOD!