General Warm-up:
Run 400/Row 500
10m Spiders
10 Army T push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
10 Shoulder press w/T’s
Ski erg 300m
10 Wall-ball shots
20 Shoulder touches
40 Jump rope
10 PVC passovers
10 PVC windmills
10 PVC overhead squats
Specific Warm-up:
7 Power snatches (45/33)
7 Power cleans (45/33)
5 Power snatches (75/53)
5 Power cleans (95/63)
3 Snatches (95/63)
3 Cleans (115/73)
1 Snatch (115/73)
1 Clean (125/80)
1 Snatch (125/80)
With a continuous running clock, perform the following:
Run 1-mile*
Max rep clean & jerk (135/95)
…rest 3:00, then…
800m Run*
Max rep snatches (125/80)
…rest 3:00, then…
400m Run*
Max rep thrusters (95/65)
For total reps
Compare to Monday, 30 September 2019
*if weather does not permit running, row the following distances: 2000m, 1000m, 500m
Twisted cross
Reclined spinal twist
Quad smash
Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:
Day 10*
No*See Day 1 for rules
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