Wednesday, 10 July 2024


Partner WOD

6 Rounds, partners alternate rounds, of:

2 Bar muscle-ups

4 Deadlifts (295/193)

6 Burpees-over-bar

…Rest 3:00, change load, then with equal work…

50 Wall ball shots (30/20)@(10/9′)

40 Toes-to-bar

30 Burpee box get overs (30”)*

20 Power cleans (185/123)

…Rest 3:00, change load, then with alternating rounds…

6 Rounds, partners alternate rounds, of:

2 Bar muscle-ups

4 Deadlifts (295/193)

6 Burpees-over-bar

For time

(32:00 cap)

*Burpee box get overs are performed by doing a burpee, and then get over the box in any fashion. With the exception the athlete may not roll over box. Hands and/or feet may touch top of box.

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