Wednesday, 08 May 2024

Join us on Memorial Day, May 27, at 0900. There will be a potluck BBQ after the WOD.

Friends and family are welcome to WOD and/or eat!



Run 1-mile


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Squats


Run 1-mile


For time

(35:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. sflynn

    Scaled to 4800m bike and in the middle:
    3 SPLU
    7 PU
    15 SQ

    Still nursing this shoulder tendinitis but I was happy to do pull-ups and pushups today! It definitely feels better SUPER warmed up.

  2. White Ape

    Calf still strained, so I substituted a 4800m bike for the run…yuck!
    First bike – 8:01
    AMRAP – 285 Rx (legs a little toasty from the bike)
    Second bike – 8:18

  3. Anniee

    33:15 RX +
    Mile 1: 9:00
    Vested the entire time
    5rds + 2 pull ups
    *walked quite a bit on mile 2.