Wednesday, 08 June 2022


Accessory/ Shoulder Warm-Up:

“Shoulder Blaster”

10 Side lying shoulder flexion*

10 Side lying shoulder adduction*

10 Side lying external rotation*


2 sets/side

*Weight used is the same for all movements, all rounds. Suggested weight is between 1#-5# plate. Start lighter than you think. If you complete one set you may increase weight, but do not go over 5#. These exercises are designed to be light. Going too heavy can potentially cause injury.



Every 2:00 on the minute, for 10-minutes, complete the following:

5 Calories bike/ski erg

4 Bar facing burpees

3 Hang power snatches (115/73)

Max reps double-unders in remaining time


…Rest 2:00 then…


Every 2:00 on the minute, for 10-minutes, complete the following:

3 Hang power snatches (115/73)

4 Bar facing burpees

5 Calories rowed

Max reps box jump overs in remaining time (24/20″)


For score of max reps



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