Wednesday, 08 January 2020

Sign up if you plan to participate in the MP competition the Saturday, 0900-1400’ish.

Click here to read the bio for Patrolman Christopher Mark Goodell


General Warm-up:

Run 600/Row 750

10m Spiders

12 Army T-pushups

14 Half tacos

6 Deep squats

6 Squats w/ ankle stretch

12 Shoulder press w/T’s

10 Pull-ups

Bike 2:00

10m lunges

20m Double waiter walk

10 PVC Passovers

10 Wall-ball shots

10 KB swings

10 Burpees



Hero WOD


400m Run

20 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

14 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

38 “X”


5 rounds* for time

X=Round 1: Push-ups, Round 2: Squats, Round 3: Pull-ups, Round 4: Alternating lunges, Round 5: Burpees

*For each of the 5 rounds, perform 38 repetitions of the corresponding movement. For example, in round one, after completing the 14 kettlebell swings, complete 38 push-ups. The following round start again at the 400m run, complete 20 wall balls, 14 kettlebell swings, and 38 air squats. Continue in this way for all 5 rounds.



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