Join us this Friday, 10 February for a FREE drop in at any class time!
No experience needed.
Calling all LADIES!! Join us for a GALENTINES celebration on Saturday, 11 February 5:00-7:00 pm!!
Free WOD and food w/ social time! Come for both or just one!
Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE
2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE
Partner WOD, alternating exercises
2 Rope climbs (13′)
4 Alternating dumbbell hang clean and jerk (70/50)
6 Plate facing burpees
8 Handstand push-ups
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Rounds for time
(30:00 cap)
Post results and experiences to comments
Partnered with Steve
24:32 I was rx. Steve had some mods
Partnered with Mike
21:13 mod
I heavily modified this today. Not feeling 100% but I’ll be back to better in no time.
Partnered with Vernice!! Rock star.
20#db very pleased. Thank you coach Sarah
18”box for HSPU
Knees to chest
Yes, partnering w Kim was so fun!
I did:
20in box for HSPU
25# DB hang C&J , started w/30 but tweaked left shoulder so switched to 25.
TTB almost all were RX… only 1 foot hit bar on some ♀️
Partnered with Anniee
45# DB for Snniee/35# DB for me
20″ box hspu
I modified T2B….focusing on my kip