Wednesday, 05 January 2011

For Score

2 minutes at each station for max reps

Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute

2 rounds

Post score to comments

If you are doing the Burpee Challenge, do burpees instead of push-ups.
Or, if you just want to do burpees, insert them. 🙂
17 Responses
  1. Susan

    Wow, what a WOD…. 🙂

    KBS 1pood 45+34=79
    banded PLU 25+25=50
    Burpees 22+17=39
    UA situps 50+45=95

    WOD total 263

    singles 400

  2. Brandy

    Kbs 20 lb 48+41
    plu 2" + thong 25+19
    PU 57+54
    SU 39+38

    WOD total 321

    Sub 12" box step up for jump roping
    55+51 2 min
    31 for 30 sped up

    Step total 137

    Had fun with the 630 am class! 🙂

  3. Michel

    Loved this…Good one Jimmy!!
    WOD Total: 274
    25 lb. KBS 38+39
    PLU Straight w. 1" band 21+20
    RX Burpees 23+21
    ABMAT BF SU 56+56

    Jump Rope Total: 796
    Singles 326
    Singles 300
    Speed skips 170

  4. Coby

    35+26 1 pood KB
    27+24 1.5" banded PLU
    35+30 RX PU
    43+41 unachored SU…..Total 261
    155+134 singles + 44 speed skips….total 333
    I'm tired.

  5. Rhonda G

    KBS 1 POOD 45 + 40
    PLU 1" band 29 + 19
    PU on Knees 39 + 35
    SITUPS – UA 76+76
    TOTAL: 359

    Singles 300
    Double Unders 39
    Speed skips 130
    Total: 469
    The jumprope was really hard due to achy forearms from the pull-ups!!

  6. Lesley

    KBS 30,28
    PLUs 20,18
    Burpees 21,21
    Situps 65,62

    Singles, 201
    Doub Unders, 13
    Speed Skips, 107
    Total: 321

    That was a tiring, but fun WOD!

  7. Patrice

    KBS 25 lbs. 33 + 38
    PLU 2 " band 27 + 30
    PU on knees 26 + 32
    SU anchored 55 + 42
    Total = 282
    singles 200
    singles 120
    speed skip 44
    total = 44

  8. MP Jimmy

    372 RX WOD
    KB's: 47+42= 89
    PLU's:40+32= 72
    PU's: 45+45= 90
    SU's: 64+57=121
    Total: 372

    485 RX Jump Rope
    Singles: 272
    Dbl Under: 101
    Speed Skp: 112

    When I created this one, I thought it was simply another score WOD, I was wrong! That really pushed ya in strength endurance and cardio-respritory.

    I am SO glad I took off the 3rd round! 🙂

    I hope everyone "liked" the add-on! 😉

  9. Jaime

    I am wary to post since I am not absolutely sure I counted right on round 2 su and single jumps. Here's what I think
    330 rx wod
    plu 30,29
    pu 50,40
    su ?, 46 (i think)
    kb ?,36
    319 singles (i think)
    66 du
    109 skips

  10. christine

    25lbs KB:36/40
    1"Band PLU:35/38
    PU: 54/46
    SU: 65/64 anchored

    I finally found enough energy to post.
    A third round I can't even imagine!
    The add on?!!!!!LOL HAHAHAHA:)Only because your the coach!

  11. Angela

    Great 845 class today…fun wod'n with Erin, Jimmy, Jamie, and Brian. I liked this one, too.

    KBS 31+32=63 (1 pood)
    PLU 30+24=54 (1.5")
    PU 38+30=68 (knees)
    SU 63+55=118 (anchored)
    WOD TOTAL = 303

    Bonus Round…Grab your ropes!
    1/2: singles 250/243
    3: speed skips 105
    WOD TOTAL = 598

    I totally agree with Rhonda, spinning the rope after all those pull-ups was tough! My forearms and calves were killing!!

  12. Carmen

    kbs 25# 52/47
    plu 1 1/4 band 29/22
    pu knees 40/42
    su anchored 57/52

    TOTAL 341 (Erin's math was right on!)

    Sing 162/162
    SS 85
    TOTAL 409 (Again, Erin's math was perfect!)

    Glad Amber and I had each other because that would have been a bigger booger solo! I realized it was SUPER FUN after it was OVER!!!

    My forearms felt and looked like Popeye's during the WOD! YIKES!

  13. Robert

    343 Rx WOD

    KB: 43+30
    PLU: 31+29
    PU: 46+38
    SU: 68+58

    Jump rope Rx total:449

    single: 239
    DU: 84
    Speed skips: 126