Partner WOD
Part 1:
175 Double-unders
500m row
Partners work simultaneously on this part. While one performs the DU, the other rows, then once both are done, partners switch and the partner that rowed now does DU, while the partner that did the DU, now rows
Part 2:
75 Deadlifts (225/153)
75 Toes-to-bar
While one partner performs deadlifts, the other holds their bar in hang position. While one partner performs toes to bar, the other hangs from bar.
Partners may split reps however they would like for the deadlift and toes to bar.
For time
Upright dumbbell rows, 10/arm
Bent over dumbbell rows, 10/arm
2 rounds for quality of work
Chose a weight where you can perform all 10 reps unbroken and maintain form
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