Register to Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!
The Friday 1730 class and Saturday 0900 class have been canceled due to the Fall Festivus Games. Come on out and cheer on the athletes!
10 Overhead squats (155/103)
10 Box jump overs (24/20″)
10 Thrusters (135/93)
10 Power cleans (185/123)
10 Toes to bar
10 Bar muscle ups
10 Toes to bar
10 Power cleans (185/123)
10 Thrusters (135/93)
10 Box jump overs (24/20″)
10 Overhead squats (155/103)
For time
Post results and experiences to comments
85lb ohs. Working on form and stability
15pullups/ring dips
This was a brutal one …everything felt heavy😮💨
Mod PLU/Dips
WOW that was spicy!
T2B went unbroken both times.
19:43 Rx
22 Overhead Squat
32 Thrusters
42 Power Clean
14 in box
17:19 Rx
Thrusters and last set of OHS were tough! I did mu’s as 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1. 😏
I need to get back to working drills!!!
Definitely ready for a rest day!!!!
Ohs 43#
Thruster 48#
Clean 53#
OHS 93#
CLEAN 113#
15 PLU 15 RD W/ thin blue band