Wednesday, 01 June 2022

The following classes are canceled this week only. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Wednesday 0630; Thursday 1200; Friday 0630, 0845



Partner WOD, equal work required

1500m Row

40 Single arm dumbbell thrusters (50/35)

20 Burpees over rower


For time

(10:00 cap)


…Rest 5:00, then…

20 Chest-2-bar pull-ups

30 Power snatches (95/63)

40 Sit-ups

150 Double-unders

40 Sit-ups

30 Power snatches (95/63)

20 Chest-2-bar pull-ups


For time


…Rest 5:00, then…

50 Calories skied


For time



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