Wednesday, 01 January 2025

New Year’s week: 0900 class ONLY on Wednesday. The schedule will return to normal on Thursday.



“Dominating starts NOW!”


40/32 Calories Biked

…then, in an add-and-repeat style*, complete the following:

1 Squat Snatch (155/103)*

2 Strict Handstand Push-ups

3 Double Unders x10

4 Kettlebell Swings (97/62)

5 GHD Sit-ups

6 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (11/10’)

7 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

8 Alternating Pistols

9 Burpees-Over-Bar

10 Back Squats (205/133)*


…then, Sell-out:

500m Row


For Time

Compare to Monday, 01 January 2024

*Add and repeat follows this pattern: 1; 1,2; 1,2,30; 1,2,30,4; 1,2,30,4,5; and so on….

No racks for back squats. You must add weight to the snatch bar, clean it, and complete it.



Post results and experiences to comments

6 Responses
  1. Anniee wolfe

    What a way to start the new year. lol
    Everything RX except::
    HSPU on 30” box
    Scaled alt pistols

  2. Megan C York

    Did Rx for all movements except mod strict HSPU’s with one AbMat.

    Woof that back squat felt like a PR 😅

  3. Mindy Ellis

    39:12 MOD – BAD R shoulder (need MRI!)
    43# SQS
    20# DB HSPU
    35# KB
    12# WB
    Green/blue band C2B
    83# FSQ

  4. Sarah Flynn

    33:46 Rx
    (5:50 PR and less than half the time it took me last year hahaha!)
    Everything UB. Want to work these heavier weights for KB and WB more. Felt really good today. This is redemption for me.
    NTFS: Bike at 60. Suck it up.

  5. Jimmy Ellis

    32:02 Rx
    Missed one snatch, and caught on my dubs on two rounds. Everything else was unbroken. Kept bike above 64 rpm. Rowed a little slow 1:58 – 2:10.

    Keep open bike above 65, transition faster, suck it up on row.

    135 snatch
    Struggled on dubs
    185 BSQ
    Rx all other movements

    Missed a few snatches