Join us this Saturday at 0900 for a FREE class! Everyone welcome!
As many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 Single-arm dumbbell overhead squat with right arm (50/35)
5 Single-arm dumbbell overhead squat with left arm (50/35)
5 Bar muscle-ups
30′ Single-arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge with right arm (50/35)
10 Wall-ball shots (25/16)@(10/9′)
30′ Single-arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge with left arm (50/35)
For score
Shoulder Press
5 reps @ 45%
4 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
4 reps @ 80%
4 reps @ 80%
4 reps @ 80%
4 reps @ 80%
For quality
Post results and experiences to comments