Tuesday, 31 May 2016

MP CrossFit Tulsa 053116

Great Memorial Day WOD with the MP-Vertical family!



Every 3 minutes on the minute for 24 minutes perform:

200m Run

3 Wall-Climbs

12 Sit-ups

8 Burpees


For Score

Score equals total burpees on last round, minus any uncompleted reps throughout 24 minutes.



Back Squats

5   reps @ 65% 1RM

3   reps @ 75%

1+ reps @ 85%


Burpee Challenge:

Day 115



Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00

Overhead Distraction – 1:30/side

Hip Capsule – 1:30/side



Post score, load and reps, and experiences to comments