Tuesday, 29 October 2024


Partner WOD, equal work required

80 Deadlifts (225/153) (Partner dead hangs from pull-up bar)*

80 Toes-to-bar (Partner holds deadlift bar)*

80 Wall ball shots (20/14)@(10/9′) (Partner holds D-ball (100/70) bear hug)*

…then immediately into…

180 Double-unders** (Partner 1, and then switch)

800m Row** (Partner 2, and then switch)


For time

*Partner must be in the hold position before the other partner can begin doing reps.

**Partners work simultaneously on this part. Once all double-unders and rowing is complete, partners switch. Both partners will do 180 double-unders AND 800m row.



Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. Megan C York

    Partnered with Michelle
    I went Rx+ I had to use 80# dball for part of it
    That was really fun!

    The second part was spicy