Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Join us this Friday, 01 September, at any class time for FREE!

No fitness experience is needed!

Click the link below to register to compete or volunteer at:

Festivus Games October 2023



Partner WOD

16 rounds, alternating rounds of:

1 Bar muscle-up

2 Deadlift (315/213)

3 Handstand push-ups


For time

(15:00 cap)


…then at the 18-minute mark, perform…

8 rounds, alternating exercises

1 Power clean (205/133)

10 Push-ups

15 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)


For time

(10:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

2 Responses
  1. sflynn

    With Coach
    Part 1:
    Me Rx
    Coach accidentally did math wrong and did 275# DL but all muscle ups Rx! Strong work Coach! You are working hard and coming back!

    Part 2:
    7:09 Rx