Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Join us this Friday, 03 March for a FREE drop in at any class time!

No experience needed.

Don’t forget to sign-up for Saturday’s Open WOD 23.3!



20/16 Calories row/bike/ski

50-ft Handstand walk

2:00 Rest


5 Rounds for total time

(20:00 cap)



Tempo Clean Deadlifts*

1 @ 80% 1-Rm Clean

1 @ 80%

1 @ 80%

1 @ 80%

1 @ 80%


For quality

*Athletes will take 10 seconds to perform a clean deadlift on the way up AND down.



Post results and experiences to comments

8 Responses
  1. Michelle Milstead

    2:33, 7:18, 12:01, 16:52, got 14c into last round

    Worked up to 85# front squat instead of yempo cleans

  2. White Ape

    I did 3 rounds of 100-ft Bear Crawls, and 2 rounds of 3 wall walks.
    Shoulder is feeling better, but not ready for advanced stuff yet.

    Did DL work at 165 for 3 sets, and 185 for 2. Those 20 seconds seem like a lifetime!!

  3. Sandy

    Hit cap with 2 wall walks and 1 round left
    3 bear crawls got toasty, finished with 3 pretty decent attempts at WW
    Worked up to 93# on the Clean DLs, 10 seconds is tough!
    This movement feels like “eating your vegetables” for lifting.

  4. Sandy

    Hit cap with 2 wall walks and 1 round left
    3 bear crawls got toasty, finished with 3 pretty decent attempts at WW
    Worked up to 93# on the Clean DLs, 10 seconds is tough!
    This movement feels like “eating your vegetables” for lifting.