Tuesday, 25 June 2024


800m Run

10 Clean and jerks (155/103)

5 Rounds for time

Post results and experiences to comments

16 Responses
  1. Anna Flynn


    400m run for 3 rounds and bike for 2 rounds
    Round 1 30lbs
    Round 2 25lbs
    Round 3 pvc pipe
    Round 4 25lbs
    Round 5 25lbs

    1. Michelle

      Anna!! You did so awesome! Way to finish that really tough WOD! I can’t wait to join you in class!

  2. Sarah Flynn

    33:47 Rx
    It was so hot! But I was so happy the C&J felt good on the shoulder! U really liked this WOD!

  3. M. York

    Ran/jogged the first round, my knee didn’t like it.
    Biked 2400m for the rest
    Weight was Rx and felt good!

  4. Michelle

    That was really gross! I capped at 2800 meters on my last round. I ran the 1st 3 rounds and that’s the farthest I’ve run since surgery. I’ll take that win!