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500m Ski/1200m Bike*
7 rounds of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
600m Run
7 rounds of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
1200m Bike/500m Ski
For time
Post results and experiences to comments
Scaled to 70+ numbers
Scaled to 70+ numbers
400m ski, 7×4/8/12, 500m run, 7×4/8/12, 1000m bike
Still trying to ease back in from sickness. Kept a good consistent pace.
31:15 scaled
I did 10 rings rows and 20 pull-ups
Gotta shoulder thing Iām healing.
Mod Pull ups
28:25 RX
I was Beating Jeff at one point, then he got me on the run!! Thanks for the motivation though Jeff!!
Any time!
26:37 rx I had to chase Annee down. I thought she would smoke me for sure. The run saved me.