Join us this Memorial Day, 29 May, for our annual Hero WOD and potluck!
200m Run
250m Ski
600m Bike
250m Row
…Rest 2:00 then…
400m Run
500m Ski
1200m Bike
500m Row
…Rest 3:00 then…
800m Run
1000m Ski
2400m Bike
1000m Row
For time
(40:00 cap)
Post results and experiences to comments
Did bike instead of row on the last round
Nice push to the finish sis! ❤️
Biked two times each round instead of the run
38:05 Rx
3rd round ski my back was acting up. adjusted my footing & made it through.
Got to the last row right at 40 minute cap.
35:08 Rx
That was exhausting!!
36:33 made this up on Thursday. Great cardio!
Back cramped that last ski round