Tuesday, 22 January 2019



Death by…

Box Jumps (24/20″)


For score*

On minute 1, perform 2 box jump, then rest. On minute 2, perform 4 box jumps, then rest. Continue on thru minute 9. Then perform max rep box jumps on minute 10.



10 One-arm Overhead Alternating Stationary Dumbbell Lunges (50/35)*

10 Wall-Ball Push-ups

10 D-Ball Cleans (100/80)

Rest 1:00


4 rounds for time

*Perform 5 alternating lunges with DB in right hand. Then perform 5 more alternating lunges with DB in left hand.



Couch Stretch

Sink Mobility

Hip Capsule



Post max rep box jumps, time, and experiences to comments