This Friday, 24 September, come in for a FREE CLASS!
Class times are 0530, 0630, 0845, 1200, and 1730.
Assault bike 2400m
Rest 2:00
Row 1000m
Rest 2:00
Run 800m
Rest 2:00
Assault bike 1200m
Rest 1:00
Row 500m
Rest 1:00
Run 400m
For time
Every minute on the minute, for 5:00, perform:
6/3 “Perfect” push-up, adding 2 push-up each minute*
For quality and total reps
*Start at 6/3 on minute 1, 8/5 on minute 2, 10/7 on minute 3, and so on. On last minute, 5, perform max reps.
rest 2:00, then…
Every minute on the minute, for 5:00, perform:
3 Sit-up, adding 4 sit-ups each minute*
For quality and total reps
*On last minute, 5, perform max reps.
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