Tuesday, 21 January 2020


General Warm-up:

Bike 2:00

10 Spiders

10 Push-ups

Row 2:00

10 Sit-ups

10 Squats

Ski 2:00

10 Ring rows

10 SP w/T’s

Run 300m



Row 400m

Rest 3-5 minutes


5 rounds for scores

Score A – Fastest 400m

Score B – Total 2000m time

Score C – Total elapsed time, including rest

This is a variation of Row’d Royalty 20.1. If you are registered for Row’d Royalty, you may perform it as they allow it. Otherwise, stick to the more limited rest times.



4-4-4-4 @ 80% 1RM



Specific warm-up:

7 @ 25%

6 @ 40%

5 @ 55%

5 @ 70%



Quad smash

Reclined spinal twist

Twisted cross



Post results and experiences to comments