Tuesday, 21 August 2018


100m Run

Rest 30 seconds

500m Bike

Rest 1:00

200m Run

Rest 30 seconds

500m Bike

Rest 1:00

Run 300m

Rest 1:00

Bike 500m

Rest 2:00

Run 400m

Rest 1:00

Bike 500m


For Total Time



200 Double Unders

100 Shoulder-2-Overhead (75/53)

50 Toes-2-Bar


For Time



Half Straddle – 1:30/side

Middle Straddle – 1:30

Twisted Monkey – 1:30/side

Olympic Wall Squat – 1:30



Post calories, time, and experiences to comments


MP CrossFit will be performing this WOD.

Register HERE if you would like to show your support.