General warm-up:
2 rounds of:
Row 15/12 Calories
8 Spiders
7 T-Push-ups
8 V-ups
7 Deep squats
8 Shoulder press w/T’s
Ski 12/8 calories
20m Heavy Farmers carry
40m D-ball high carry
10 KB swings
Bike 15/12 Calories
Bike skill work:
Max calories per round on the assault bike in 40 rotations*
Rest 2:00 between rounds
7 rounds for max calories per round and total calories
*1 Rotation is a complete rotation of the front sprocket. I.E. If your right foot starts on top, after it has returned to the top, 1 rotation has been made. Also, if your right hand starts forward, after it returns to the forward position, 1 rotation has been made.
Skill work:
Look at skill sheets, and look at 2-3 exercises/movements to work on or test out
Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:
Day 16
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