Join us this Friday, 19 May, at any class time for FREE!
No fitness experience needed!
As many reps as possible in 2:00 of the following:
250m/200m Row
Max reps double dumbbell box step overs (2 x 50/35)(24/20″)
…Rest 0:30 then…
As many reps as possible in 2:00 of the following:
700m/500m Assault bike
Max reps devil presses (2 x 50/35)
…Rest 0:30 then…
As many reps as possible in 2:00 of the following:
250m/200m Ski
Max reps double dumbbell shoulder to overhead (2 x 50/35)
…Rest 0:30, then repeat…
4 Rounds for total score
Post results and experiences to comments
At home. Sub row for ski.
97 reps
134 Rx
So, I decided to use today as open gym. Ran a mile. Worked on some MUs (they didn’t feel great today) and ran another half a mile.
172 (43, 43, 41, 45)
15# db’s
Row feels much better but need to work on not using my right side too much on the bike.
86 reps total 20# DB, 16” box
25 – 23 – 20 – 18
18” box
18″ box