Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Run 400m
Rest 2 minutes

8 rounds

Post total sprint time to comments

Compare to 27 AUG 09

Easiest way to time this is to time all, from start to finish. Then at the end, subtract 14 minutes (rest time), which leaves you the sprint time.
9 Responses
  1. Susan

    17.33 Unfortunately I didn't record my time last August.

    I really should do this CFE more often.

    ….and I still hate running.

    Lisette, you are so quick!!

  2. Danny

    Melanie said…

    19:48 (Row 500 m/rest 2 minutes for 8 rounds)
    Thanks, Erin, for waiting on me to work out. That made my day!!!!!!!!!!! Great to see you, Jaime! : )

  3. Jaime

    It was good to see you, too Melanie, sorry I had to run! (not literally)
    14:42 don't know my time from August. Were anyone else's legs like lead today?

  4. erin

    2nd WOD (@5:30) 100 burpees for time
    -9:29 ….. That was interesting :-p thanks for putting yourself thru this pain with me Danny!!

  5. Stacy J

    I told the girls that running is like brussel sprouts for me. I have always wanted to like it but I just never developed a taste for it. Great job Rhonda, Nancy and Amber. Nancy you run like the wind and Rhonda, not bad for no WOD in 10 days.

  6. Rhonda G

    15:09 Ugh!

    It was really fun WODing with you guys at 5:30 pm! I'm already sore! Does that mean I did something right? I miss you all at 6:30 am. Hope to get back into the routine soon 🙂