Tuesday, 15 October 2019


General Warm-up:

Bike 600m

6 Samsons

8 Half tacos

6 Army T-push-ups

8 Squats


2 rounds for quality (increase intensity each round)


350m Ski for time



Bike 1:00 for calories

Rest 2:00*


5 rounds for total calories

*During the rest, perform 35 double unders



Death by Hollow hold

Every minute on the minute, add 10 seconds to the plank hold. Continue until failure to hold. Minute 1 hold for 10 seconds, and then rest for 50. Minute 2 hold for 20 seconds, rest for 40. Continue until you hold for all 60.

Rest 1:00, then…

Death by Plank hold

Every minute on the minute, subtract 10 seconds from the plank hold. Start at 60 second hold, rest for 10 seconds, hold for 50 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds, hold for 40 seconds, and so on completion.



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