Join us this Friday, 18 August, at any class time for FREE!
No fitness experience is needed!
In a 7-minute window, perform the following:
800m Ski
400m Run
Max rep double unders in the remaining time
…rest 3:00, then…
Double under reps from above
400m Run
800m Ski
For score in the first part and time in second
(20:00 cap)
5 sets of 3 connected reps at 80-90%
For quality
Post results and experiences to comments
83 DU first part
6:52 second part
Deadlift: 233,233,243,243,253 no belt at all so I was happy with this. DL felt great today!
52 DUs
Did 3 sets at 185 (6-7 reps each). Did not want to push lower back.
Modified the run/ski to 300m and 600m
60 SU’s and 6:31 on part 2
Lifted 5 sets of 3 @ 193# (70% for me) I went a little lighter than prescribed but the lifts felt great, it was nice to move today!
20 dubs 300 run
74 DU
7:33 rx
203# Deadlift (all 5 rds)
7:10 30 dubs
70 DUs
7:23 Rx
193 for 5 sets (~85%)
Deadlifts always make me nervous, so proud of this weight!