Join us on Memorial Day, May 27, at 0900. There will be a potluck BBQ after the WOD.
Friends and family are welcome to WOD and/or eat!
Skill work:
5 Pistols* – Right
5 Pistols* – Left
Rest 1:00
3 rounds for quality
*If not doing Rx, use the most challenging progression capable of success
1-4 person Team WOD, one working at a time
Bike 1:00
Rest 3:00
9 rounds for total calories
Team members will rotate every minute, with each one following the 1:00 work/3:00 rest pattern. With a 4-person team, there will always be a member on the bike. With a team less than 4, there will be minutes when no one is on the bike.
Post results and experiences to comments
699 cals
Teamed up with Henry, Justin, and Kylee
126 calories.
2 person team with Sarah Allison.
Welcome Sarah !
Fun to partner with you today!
621 Cals with Coach, Kile, and Michelle!
I loved getting some movement on the bike today! Awesome picture, Anniee!