Tuesday, 13 February 2024


Join us Saturday evening, 17 February for GALENTINES!

Join us on Saturday, 17 February for a FREE class!

No experience is needed! Everyone is welcome!

Register HERE for the 2024 CrossFit Open!

Take the Judges Course HERE!



30/24 Calories skied

30 GHD Sit-ups

30/24 Calories biked

20 Strict pull-ups

30/24 Calories rowed

15 Strict handstand push-ups


For time

(15:00 cap)



Back Squat

7 @ 25%

6 @ 40%

5 @ 55%

4 @ 65%

3 @ 75%

2 @ 80%

1 @ 85%

1 @ 90%


For quality


Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. sflynn

    Worked OHS with Coach instead of Back squats. Built up to 153#. Felt good.
    CWOD 12:42 Rx
    those SPLU felt the hardest for some reason today!

  2. megancyork

    Capped with 37 reps to go.
    Just moving today. Felt good. Did all my pull-ups without a band.

    90% went unbelted and felt good!

  3. White Ape

    12:19 Rx

    Pull-ups were tougher than I thought, but the HSPU felt good!

    As Coach Sarah said, We worked OHS instead bc we did extra BSQ work on Saturday. I worked up to 190# for 2 reps. Shoulder stability is getting better, but not where I want it just yet.

  4. Hayden Boyd

    Only scaled the HSPU did box handstands.
    Need to make that harder or start trying actual HSPU.

    280 90% back squat. Felt pretty easy today.

  5. Michelle Milstead

    Banded pull ups
    2 mats for HSPU but I completed all 15

    Worked up to 83# back squat. This weight felt great but I am still shifting out my right side when coming out of the bottom, even when focusing on not doing so. I tried a narrower stance and that helped. I also paused at the bottom of the squat and that also helped.