Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Join us this Saturday, 15 July, at 0900 for FREE!

No fitness experience needed!

Tuesday 1730 and Thursday 1730 classes cancelled this week. We are sorry for any inconvenience!



Every minute on the minute, for 21 minutes:

Minute 1: 6 Clean and jerk (135/93)

Minute 2: 12 Wall ball shots (25/16)@(10/9′)

Minute 3: 48 Double-unders (or 24 Crossover single-unders)


For quality



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses
  1. sflynn

    EMOMS like this are great for practice. It’s good to go in with an objective. Since the WOD is not “for score” or “for time”, find a focus of your WOD and practice that.

    My focus was all C&J and WB UB and I was successful!
    I also chose the option of crossovers and I got all 24 each minute! (I have the whip marks to prove it yikes!!) I do like using the hubs jumprope for these so I better not steal his, I’ll buy my own. ;-p

    I didn’t get any CSU UB. The most I got UB was 18.

  2. Henry Smith

    Rounds 4-6 I didn’t not complete the rep count for one of the exercises. So effectively I did 6 full rounds.

    I felt like I had to give myself a bit of a rest in order to make sure I approached the C&J and WBs with a tight core. I was getting lose in those movements and needed to focus on bracing my core more.

  3. Anniee

    Started out ROCKY!! My C&J were off, around 2-3 round i started feeling better. The crossovers are still catching a bunch. but, we finished all the rounds. Bought a new rope to help w/ crossovers!