Tuesday, 09 June 2015

MP CrossFit Tulsa 060910



Practice for 10 minutes:

1 Jump Rope Single

1 Double Under

2 Jump Rope Singles

2 Double Unders

3 Jump Rope Singles

3 Double Unders

…continue pattern until you fail to complete given number unbroken*


For Quality and Score

*You may rest after double unders. Once you begin any given set of singles, you must connect all singles and doubles of that number without catching or stopping.



Run 600m


2 rounds of:

21 Box Overs (20/16″)

7 Kipping Pull-ups

15 Box Overs (24/20″)

5 Strict Pull-ups

9 Box Overs (30/24″)

3 Weighted Pull-ups (30/15#)


Run 600m


For Time



Couch Stretch – 1:30/side

Bilateral Shoulder Flexion – 1:30

Low Lunge Twist – 1:30/side


For Quality



Post score, time, and experiences to comments