3 rep max
Post max weight to comments
Compare to 18 MAY 10
Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim
4 x 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off
rest 40 seconds, then
4 x 20 sec on, 20 sec off
Post total distance covered to comments
Melanie said…
32 lbs. Thanks, Jimmy, for your instruction!
Jimmy, Thanks for all your patience (going over the same thing many times!) You are a great coach.
Snatch balance:
3 rep – 125
1 rep – 145
I did 3 rep snatch balance until shoulders started to hate coming back down. Jumped to 165, and shouldn't have, 3 failed attempts! 🙁 looks like I need to practice more with lighter weight. Umm, sounds like I have heard that somewhere before. 😉
Good work this morning team!
Snatch balance
3 rep 115
1 rep 125
Snatch balance
3 rep 115 lbs.
1 rep 125 lbs.
183 burpees; only 1969 left to go!
45 lb
Failed at 52…57 was free entertainment and "CF Don't". Form work at 32 lb is my sweet spot. Thanks for your great coaching Jimmy.
Still resting my shoulder, so I did back squat 3 rep max. Got to 175.
Did the rowing CFE:
1374 meters
Good smoker!
Rowing CFE:
1081 meters
worked on snatch balance form with PVC. Shoulder is doing well but still healing.