Join us Friday, 10 March for a FREE drop in at any class time!
No experience needed!
Every minute on the minute, complete the following:
Minute 1: Max calories in 45-seconds*
Minute 2: Max box jump overs (30/24) in 45-seconds
Minute 3: Max GHD sit-ups/toes to bar in 45-seconds
Minute 4: Rest
7 Rounds for score
Post results and experiences to comments
Row/bike alternate
Toes to bar.
229 Rx
BJO felt really good and consistent today.
Took it easy on T2B so I don’t re-rip my hand.
214 rx
30in Box jumps
Should have pushed harder.
16” box jump
On toes to bar I was able to get legs up to hip but at the end had to do knees to chest. Need to work on getting toes to the actual bar.
Great workout!