Tuesday, 05 September 2017


2000m Row

For Time


Strength & Conditioning:

Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:

1 Clean to 1 Jerk*

1 Burpee to 1 Pull-up

1 Clean to 2 Jerks

1 Burpee to 2 Pull-ups

1 Clean to 3 Jerks

1 Burpee to 3 Pull-ups

…continue pattern until cap is reached


For Score

Score is total reps completed. I.E., a score through the round of 4 pull-ups would have a score of 28 reps.


*Rx Weights:

< 54 (155/103)

> 55 (125/83)



Overhead Distraction w/ External Bias – 1:30/side

Couch Stretch – 1:30/side

Banded Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00

Partner assisted Bilateral Shoulder Extension – 1:00



Post time, score, and experiences to comments