Tuesday, 05 December 2023

Join us this Saturday, Dec 9th at 9 am for a FREE class!

Also, join us on Dec 9th at 6 pm for our Annual Christmas Potluck Party!



Accessory/ Shoulder Warm-Up:

“Shoulder Blaster”

10 Side-lying shoulder flexion*

10 Side-lying shoulder adduction*

10 Side-lying external rotation*


2 sets/side

*Weight used is the same for all movements, all rounds. Suggested weight is between 1#-5# plate. Start lighter than you think. If you complete one set you may increase weight, but do not go over 5#. These exercises are designed to be light. Going too heavy can potentially cause injury.



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20-minutes of:


Toes-to-bar/GHD sit-ups*

15 Overhead squats (95/63)

75 Double unders/Crossover single unders*


For score

*On odd rounds do T2B and double unders. On even rounds do GHD SU and crossovers.



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. Anniee

    440 RX
    OHS slowed me down. Had to start breaking them up 8/7
    T2B are getting better, still need work though.
    Dubs felt great was able to get larger sets of 30-35s

  2. Michelle Milstead

    Knee raises
    15# OHS
    Singles instead of dubs
    Did rounds 10 and 20 of GHD’S and had to move to situps
    OHS and rope felt great but I am struggling with movements that my legs
    have to be extended for a period of time.