Tuesday, 04 January 2011

Front Squat – 5 rep max
Back Squat – 3 rep max

Post max load of each lift to comments

CFE WOD (3+ hrs before or after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

10 x 30 sec on, 30 sec off

For max distance

Post total distance to comments
13 Responses
  1. Susan

    97# Front Squat
    127# back squat

    Keeping my elbows up really helped. Thanks, Jimmy.

    Where's Jana, Rhonda, Patrice?

  2. MP Jimmy

    245 FS x5 PR!
    295 BS x3 (300 BS x2)

    Thanks Jim for making me work! You are welcome Michel and Susan. Carmen, you need to get a later "taxi"! LOL!!