With a 2:30 clock, perform…
10 Shoulder Press at 70%
For quality
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15-minutes of:
30/24 Calories biked
30 GHD sit-ups
30 Push press (95/63)
For score
Post results and experiences to comments
At lake
2 full rounds plus 24 cals
SU instead of GHD
35# double DB PP (those were tough but was happy to do first set in 10/10/10 and second in 15/10/5)
Row instead of bike
Swod- 150# was not successful. After I got stuck it made last two sets impossible.
Cwod – 168rx
4 set at 105#
My shoulder press strength is way down stil from surgery. 😏
214 Rx
2 rds +30 cal and 4 GHD
4 FSQ every 2:30
Legs were a little toasty after the CWOD!
84 mod
Shoulder press was difficult had to go down on weight. couldn’t get 10 unbroken. 53# at the end.
192 Rx
Felt good the bike got spicy
156 RX
My shoulders were toasted after strength portion.