Thursday, 15 October 2009

“CrossFit Total”

Back Squat – 1 rep max
Shoulder Press – 1 rep max
Deadlift – 1 rep max

Post Total to comments

Compare to 23 JUN 09

Notes: Even though you just did SP’s on Tuesday, do them again in this WOD. They wont hurt you! To get to your 1 rep max, use as many “rounds” as you want.
9 Responses
  1. Angie

    Visited CF Jenks this morning.

    7 Rounds for total reps of:
    1 Minute of Thrusters (Men 95 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
    1 Minute of Pull-ups

    Post total reps to responses.

    My total: 108 Rx
    63 thrusters, 45 plu)

  2. Michel

    Annie MOD

    17" Step ups

    Great to have the 5:30 guys hang out awhile today!
    Vernice – awesome on your PR!

  3. Danny

    245lb Back Squat
    275lb Deadlift
    155lb Shoulder Press

    675lb Total

    Great job everybody. Thanks for your help Erin!

  4. Robert

    First total:

    205 lbs back squat
    275 lbs deadlift
    115 lbs Shoulder press (kinda rushed this one due to time)

    Thanks Ben for working out with me, today.

    Great work, Erin–thank you.

  5. Danny

    Melanie did:
    152 Back Squat
    67 Shoulder Press
    145 Deadlift
    364 Total

    Great job everyone! Thanks for all of the help on the deadlifts, Erin!